Cool The Garage: 12 Ways Help You

Cool The Garage: 12 Ways Help You

Are you looking for ways to cool the garage? You’ve probably invested a lot of time—and perhaps money—in completing these tasks. Reading this article, the heat in your garage can quickly become intolerable during the hot summer months.

We introduce permeate and temporary ways for you to cool the garage.

Why Does Your Garage Get So Hot?

Your garage may be up to 10-18 degrees Fahrenheit (5-10 degrees Celsius) warmer than the outside temperature without air conditioning.

Let’s first look at a few factors that can raise a garage’s temperature:

  • garage location (west-facing houses are exposed to the sun’s more intense late afternoon heat)
  • whether or not a garage is insulated
  • the color of a garage’s door and exterior
  • whether a garage has a ventilation system or dehumidifier
  • a recently driven vehicle being parked in the garage

How to Cool the Garge?

You need to ascertain your garage’s usage scenarios before searching for a solution on how to cool the garage. Only a few hours per day are you planning on using it? Or are you going to use it for a prolonged period of time every day this week? Will you only be coming in on the weekends or early in the mornings?

How about the location of your garage? Is there any shade nearby? Or is it exposed to the sun all day? Do you reside in a region with a high humidity level? How many tools or appliances are in the garage? Because large electrical appliances produce heat, these questions are especially crucial. Without any windows or ventilation, this heat can quickly make the interior space even hotter and stuffier. Answering these will help you decide if you need a garage air conditioner or

After making a note of all of these inquiries, decide which type of cool garage system you need. It won’t be worthwhile to invest in something more durable and expensive if you use your garage primarily as a place to store things and rarely take a long nap. The benefit won’t outweigh the cost.

However, if you frequently use your garage as a hobby station or workspace and enjoy spending long sessions there, perhaps even having a gaming station, it makes sense to choose a long-lasting solution with a much higher cooling output.

It’s also crucial to keep in mind that ideal humidity and temperature conditions are required if you keep expensive items in your garage. paintings, wooden furniture, electrical equipment, and other delicate items., can get damaged in extreme heat or humidity.

Permanent for Cooling the Garage

Let’s examine some of the long-term options for comfort, control, and convenience while inside a garage.

Wall Insulation

The most inadequately insulated room in the entire house is the garage, which can get unbearably hot in the summer and extremely cold in the winter. Wall insulation is one of the best ways to cool a garage and should be the first thing on your to-do list if you have an uninsulated garage and intend to spend a lot of time there.

Insulation for the attic and garage doors also serves the purpose admirably and would only help to keep your interior space cool and comfortable. Additionally, this type of work does not incur ongoing energy costs. Just put in the insulation, and you won’t have to worry about monthly utility costs for a number of years.

Go for Garage Ventilation

Another method for bringing a hot garage to a comfortable temperature is ventilation to cool the garage. Roof vents enable hot air that rises to escape, keeping your garage cool and cozy. You can also let cool air in by opening the roof vents at night or when the outside temperature is more comfortable.

Vents can be used to get rid of fumes produced by your car and chemical byproducts from any machinery you use in your garage in addition to keeping the space cool.

Active ventilation systems can also be installed in your garage. Although more expensive, it is more effective at removing hot air. The system can be mounted on your roof or on your walls.

Choose Lighter Garage Door and Exterior Colors

By selecting lighter hues for your roof, exterior walls, and garage doors, you can cool the garage that your home’s exterior conducts from the sun.

For more information on the wide range of garage door colors and styles we offer, get in touch with a member of our knowledgeable staff.

Change Garage Color

Despite not being the most glamorous option, it makes a huge difference. It will absorb more heat and warm up more quickly if your garage is painted a dark color. Consider using a lighter, more vibrant paint, like white. Take up the painting project before the arrival of the summer season, preferably in spring and soon you will notice a few degree changes in your garage

Get An Air Conditioner

The best way to cool the garage is with air conditioning. You can install central air conditioning in your garage if your budget allows it.

A window-mounted air conditioner can maintain comfortable garage temperatures if your garage is small and has a window.

A portable air conditioner with sufficient BTUs works better in larger garages. Keep in mind that this type of unit needs access to the outside for venting.

Air conditioning is one of the priciest and least practical options for cooling a garage, despite the fact that it may be very effective. If air conditioning is being used in the space, garage insulation should be regarded as absolutely necessary.

cool garage

Temporary Options for Cooling a Garage

The following options are very advantageous if you want a less energy-intensive cooling solution for a garage where you don’t spend much time.


A garage fan can work wonders. Fans help cool the garage in addition to assisting with ventilation and de-stuffing the space. Your body will be significantly cooler if there is a strong airflow directly over it. Fans function by accelerating your body’s rate of evaporation. More evaporation causes more cooling.

A fan is always a good addition to a warm, enclosed space. However, exercise caution because a fan only functions in moderately warm climates. A fan will be useless if your garage is unbearably hot.


Due to the heat being trapped by the humidity, the space feels warmer than it actually is. Dehumidifiers take away the clammy, uneasy sensation that causes excessive sweating. As was previously mentioned, monitoring humidity levels is essential if you have delicate items, furniture, or even electrical equipment to prevent damage from mildew, fungus, rust, or other moisture issues.

Having a dehumidifier will help to significantly affect the temperature and your comfort in a humid environment. However, a dehumidifier’s drawback is that it won’t force hot or cold air into the space. Therefore, a fan may still be necessary to accompany it. These two can be combined to create a cooling system for your garage that is reasonably effective, inexpensive, and energy-efficient. Utilize smart AC controllers, such as the Cielo Breez, to control your dehumidifier and keep a close eye on the humidity levels.

Close the Doors When It’s Hot Outside

According to the weather outside and the location of your garage, you can open and close the garage doors to cool the garage.

Consider closing the garage door entirely if it is not in the shade and receives direct sunlight. By preventing anything that could raise the temperature, you can keep the area as cool as possible.

Swamp Cooler

If you need a quick cooling period, there is a relatively easy-to-use solution that works well. A swamp cooler uses the advantages of evaporation to operate. Have a portable fan blow air across the top of a bucket of ice. It will now be forced into space and circulate cool air from the ice. Putting this arrangement inside of a box or using a water sprinkler in addition to the fan to create a fine watery mist in the air are two additional ways to fine-tune this design. This answer guarantees to provide you with information on how to cool a garage without windows.

Do Not Park a Hot Car Inside Your Garage

Your car gets hot after use, particularly in the summer, so it’s not a good idea to park it in the garage as soon as you get home. Your garage’s temperature may go up a few degrees as a result of the heat the car will radiate.

Till it starts to get a little cooler, think about leaving the car outside in a shaded area. Using this advice will stop your garage from getting too hot.

Remove Clutter

Large, unwieldy equipment and tools lying around on the floor take up a lot of room and can obstruct airflow in your garage.

You can keep your garage clutter-free by installing cabinets and storage racks. Keep in mind to keep it organized; after each use, put the tools and boxes back where you found them.

Make Your Garage Air Conditioner Smart

Smart AC controllers give you unmatched control over the air conditioning in your garage, making them probably the best method to cool the garage. If your air conditioner is WiFi-connected, you can completely control your heating and cooling requirements from your smartphone. You can control the AC unit in your garage using this, saving up to 25% on energy costs, even before you enter the space. In addition to mini-splits, these smart controllers also work with window-mounted air conditioners, dehumidifiers, and other ductless air conditioners that are operated by an IR remote control.

Scheduling for the entire week is possible. With the Cielo Breez, you can program a schedule for your regular work hours, and it will automatically turn on and cool the room before you begin working. Because they have built-in humidity sensors, Cielo smart controllers can also regulate the amount of humidity in the room. You can avoid repeatedly fiddling with the AC controls by using trigger-based temperature and humidity modes to maintain a particular temperature or humidity range inside the room.

Additionally, Cielo Breez smart AC controllers allow you to keep track of your usage patterns and statistics so that you can choose the best actions to further reduce energy consumption while maintaining the same level of cooling.

As previously stated, each of the solutions offers various approaches to achieving the goal, albeit using very different techniques. The way and frequency in which you intend to use your garage space must be crystal clear to you. The following step is to allocate money for the project, and then choose one of the aforementioned methods to cool down your garage!

Do you know how to cool the garage? Five permanent ways and six temporary ways both works to cool the garage. Of course, an air conditioner is always the best way.